how to iron casual pants?

Casual pants come in made of more than one material. Almost all of those materials can get wrinkles on them if not worn and cared properly. For textile, usually ironing those works. However, to iron leather, however, would not be a good idea.

                However, there are a couple of ways to get wrinkles out of leather:


                Get a hanger in your garment. The hanger should not be made of thin metal as that can bend down. Hang the hanger somewhere that can withstand the force when you are pulling it down. Keep stretching the leather in both horizontal and vertical directions. Do not pull them too long that it may cause it damage. Pull for hardly four seconds and then let your casual pants rest for some moments before doing it again. This method usually takes the wrinkles out.

Use a steamer:

                Using a steamer is also one of the favorite ways to get the wrinkles off of you leather casual pants. Use a branded and reputed steamer. (You might want to check the ratings and reviews on the internet before getting one.) Start applying an average amount of steam on the wrinkled area. Do not use too much steam at the same place; it might damage the leather. If wrinkles are not getting out by steaming, try pulling them a little and help the leather settle in shape.